The faith

There was a far off land hidden for ages from the ambitious sailors who wished to explore all that exists. There was a far off land where humans still existed and were not an endangered species. And there was a far off land where faith could heal.

Lucky was I to have been a living entity over there for a few hours deported through illusion. Tall trees which of course couldn’t compete with modern structures lined the coast. The earth had a fragrance which was a testimony to humanity that is ever persistent. The winds never became tired carrying the laughs and conveying wishes.

People were warned of a terrific tsunami triggered by an earthquake under the sea. But panic was nowhere seen on the faces that coexisted for long. There was neither a rush to evacuate the place nor was there agony over the impending disaster. I urged them to move but they wouldn’t. They said that nature never betrayed them. What has given shelter and food to them for a long time would never be eager to bury them under the blue waters. Faith makes one lose their rationale, I thought but I was proved wrong towards the end.

I ran and ran till I was devoid of energy. Drops of sweat were trickling from my forehead that wouldn’t stop. My heart became younger and faster. I wished to stop and relax but fear wouldn’t permit me to do so. Moving images of me being buried under the still waters have given me the necessary momentum. I got stated for a second round of the trial to save myself.

My feet were moving forward but the distance between me and the waves only diminished. Defeated, I knelt down and was swept away.

On the way to destiny, I could see those people clinging onto the trees. Nature seemed to have protected them, but I was being dragged into the deep ocean. Faith had headed them while my faith which ridiculed theirs had made me a silent being.


Sahithya Sridhar

poetic... never betrayes ppl!!!


Faith in God helps in times of a natural disaster!!
Very nicely written!

Jayashree Srivatsan

Yes, faith will always show us the way...Brilliantly written


Faith works..

Sunitha Tiwari

faith is one of the important weapon which makes things from impossible to possible.


faith definitely helps .. depends what faith is if its religion then i am not very happy with that ..
but yeah faith in oneself helps a lot .. if we have faith and do something with all our heart then surly we will gain success...

Faith in God is good BUT god says that he helps those who help themselves ...


Danny Simon

Faith opens doors what our eyes cannot see... Well written!


yes, of all the things faith is only thing trust-able. Lovely post Ranjith :)


Faith unlocks the powers of the mind. Lack of it sputters on the fringes of consciousness. It is an intensely lyrical piece.

indu chhibber

Faith in oneself is paramount;but faith in unknown powers?i don't know about that.

Jen..The Butterfly Effect

Faith! That's one powerful word! A tool for life!

Deepa Duraisamy

Beautiful. I am someone whose questions faith a lot. But its just that. Its faith. Cannot be explained, reasoned with or justified. Its simply faith. Such is the strength of that emotion.

P.N. Subramanian

Beautiful piece to go through. Thanks


beautiful post.

subhorup dasgupta

very nicely written. strangely, the post seems to speak to me more of the awakening of faith in its apparently tragic ending.


nicely written


Very well expressed sir


Excellent post, as always .. :-)

Geetashree Chatterjee

Metaphoric and deep!

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