
We live in a world where people are constantly engaged in competing with each other. There are goals to achieve and deadlines to meet but there is hardly any time. The day for a person in one of the busy cities starts even before sunrise and ends a long time after the sun sets. The entire day is spent slogging at office, meeting clients and patiently carrying out the orders of the bosses. Fully immersed in this work, one forgets about the most important thing in life - Happiness. You may have scaled the Mount Everest or entered the list of the top billionaires in the world but if you are not happy with your achievements, then all that you have achieved is futile. The things that make one happy differ from person to person. For some, it is family and friends, for some others, it is putting themselves to comfort and for the remaining, it is running behind goals. Sometimes, people think that they are happy but they aren’t really so. After months and years of hard work which they had had thought would make them happy, all that one can see in the faces of those victorious people are tears shed for failing in the pursuit of happiness.

I am a simple person, not too ambitious, living life as it comes and trying to be happy every second. What are the things that make me happy?

Family and friends
There is nothing in this world that makes one more happy than being with people whom you love. Their happiness makes you happy and your happiness makes them happy too. The cycles continues and what results is infinite happiness, that can keeps your spirits high every second of your life. Going out on a holiday, a costly trip to exotic places around the world or a costly date on valentine’s date - none of these are too important to make me happy. It is the people who matter the most. I spend holidays with them at home itself - there are no stunning waterfalls in the background or waiters that carry out our orders - but still I feel happy. A game of caroms or a fight with water pipes, can make me happy. Simple, spontaneous, unadulterated things make me more happy than well planned vacations and outings.

Family and friends help me be happy but sometimes, I need to stay away from them for days and weeks due to office work. I miss them a lot and I feel that I have been ripped of my happiness. But then, I recollect the happy moments spent with them and look forward to meeting them very soon. In the meantime, I try to indulge myself in other things that make me happy -Movies. I am a huge fan of Telugu movies. I watch movies whenever I get free time. They transport me to a world of magic. Every movement of the actors and every word that they speak is filled with magic. In that world of magic, there are twists and turns, sometimes expected and sometimes unexpected. I find joy and happiness in this world of magic. And when I see a happy family enjoying in the movie, I get reminded of my family and I say to myself that I will soon be with my family enjoying the morning walks and the evening sports in the playground.

My happiness list would be incomplete without the mention of food. Idli, dosa, vada, upma, bonda -the mere mention of them makes my mouth water. These delicacies make me happy and when they are served by my wife, gobbling them while watching a movie only multiplies my happiness.

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