The ruined celebrations

Perfectly dressed from head to toe in a black suit, black polished shoes covering the feet, well groomed hair and a long red tie completing the look… sounds like the looks of a perfect gentleman, right? Not really. This was the thought that Raghu had in his mind, of a perfect gentleman, when he was getting ready to go out with his wife, Priya to celebrate their wedding anniversary. He stood in front of the mirror and for over ten minutes stared into the mirror. On one hand, he thought that he was perfectly dressed but then the next moment, he would feel that something was missing. His mind kept revolving around these thoughts till Priya got impatient and dragged him into the car.

The journey of happiness has begun. They would be going to a movie which would be followed by a dinner at a restaurant. They recollected the days of their love and of their marriage against the background of the music being played. Perfect were those moments - the moments that would be cherished for ever. The movie theatre arrived and they got down. The world which till then consisted of only those two was now filled with a lot more people. Some moved without even noticing the entry of a new couple while some gave weird stares at them, the reason which neither Priya nor Raghu could understood. The world interprets things in a thousand ways and one need not care of them all, they thought and moved ahead.

The movie was over but not without weird glances from the others present in the hall. They moved ahead to the restaurant. They had visited this particular restaurant quite a number of times in the past but things appeared to be different today. The waiters did not behave as friendly as they did during their earlier visits. Their responses didn’t sound courteous and their meals didn’t taste good either.

Finally, the couple reached home and Priya was heard whispering, ‘If only you had looked at your stubble…’

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette

I am acknowledging the tag by Ragini.

I am tagging KarthikKnitha,  Nandini and Umang.

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