Cherishing every moment

An insight into the past of our lives with an attitude to accept every moment, be it fair or unfair, is sure to reveal to us the implication of life itself and the hidden joy in every second.

Right from the day your cry has seen the smiles on faces dearest to you, passing through the day when your feet have for the first time stepped into the place of learning where your ideas, opinions and feelings have been moulded, to the day when you in process towards global exposure have attended seminars, workshops and conferences across the globe, your life has taken innumerable turns across its journey, pausing at every stage that has demanded you to take a proper decision which had the potential to shape your future either to be the best or the other way.

You have experienced many moments which have been unnoticed but still have in them hidden expressions that range from slightest reflections of personalities and attitudes to the ones that can provide an expanse of joy to the ones that can bring tears into your eyes.

You have enjoyed some of these moments with a feeling that you would be the luckiest person if there was an assurance for the recurrence of these moments every day while some other situations have forced you to chant the name of god praying to him that even the unluckiest person should never experience such a day.

You have reflected upon your actions in every situation but what you have forgotten is to draw a conclusion. You have done what every little child can do in every circumstance. There was something more that could have been done by you, a proper analysation of these situations and the actions resulting in these tremendous feelings which have the potential to break across barriers of containment.

Every consequence was the result of your actions was what has been unnoticed by you. An intelligent person who really wishes to reacces these feelings in the future would have definitely analyzed every minor event.

Every consequence was the result of an action and every action has been provoked by your heart and its commands. If you have done any such research then you would have definitely avoided those actions that have ended up in those overflowing sea of tears.

This life is under your commands and orders. There is not a single thing that can take place without your consent.

If your heart says, I feel happy when I am sad then you definitely can find happiness in the sadness that you can tolerate in someone else’s happiness.

The bottom line being every moment in life is worthy to be cherished if your heart wishes to do so.



Exactly. You can never no what will happen in life, but you can choose how you will respond and act accordingly.

Jenny Fletcher

I like the little pictures with each post


Thank you Jenny Fletcher.

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